Digital Dailies Highlights (03/17/23) (2)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/17/23) (2)
Eviction Regrets
Rob tells Jonathan that maybe they took out the wrong person this week by evicting John Michael, especially considering how good Dan is in competitions.
A few players, including Daniel and Shanaya, talk about how sad they were to see JM go. Daniel also mentions that he wants to see an LGBTQ+ person of color win the show. Therefore, he felt bad voting out the only other LGBTQ+ person of color.
Shanaya also says that it didn’t feel great to take out a member of the LGBTQ+ community and a person of color.
Anika and Kuzie also talk about a conversation with Zach where he mentioned that Kuzie was close with John Michael and may have voted for him if he got the numbers to stay. Zach expressed that this may make Kuzie one of Dan’s potential targets. Daniel also worries that his friendship with JM may put him on Dan’s radar.
Vanessa and Anika also have a conversation where Vanessa says that Zach was trying to hurt JM’s character by saying he said mean things. Vanessa didn’t like that and called out Zach for doing that, especially now that JM is gone and can’t defend himself.