*Work in progress*
Forum RULES! *updated february 05, 2022* and in effect right now.
Do NOT post spoilers in the group before the episode or live eviction has been aired in ALL canada and after the F3 eviction is annonuced and feeds is closed for the season . We will be really hard on this on episode and live eviction days and after the feeds are closed for the season, okey.
Before posting swipe down a minute or two to see if your question or subject you want to talk about is already covered in a post, if so post in that thread instead. Overflowing the forum with double or tripple posts about the same thing will not help us out. Your post may get deleted or locked.
Be NICE and RESPECT your fellow members in the forum, this applies to the HGs too. Some of them may have family members or friends in here or may be a member themself someday.
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
Posts containing personal attacks on another member or houseguest will be deleted and may in extreme cases lead to a exit through the door without passing go.
Posts older than 7 days may sometimes get locked without further notice, we always want to try to have the newest news on the top. We are a reporting group from the house and feeds after all.
Adding a avatar picture is also a nice thing to do so we see who you are. A good idea is to use the same as you have in our FB group :) so it´s a good idea to update your profile in here as soon as possible :)
What happens if i block a administrator?
When we find out your account will instantly be removed and blocked from the site and all our other community spaces on FB.
Inviting new members?
Feel free to invite members to this site. We have a maximum roof of how many members we can handle in here.
What not to post?
Material that is knowingly defamatory, illegal, abusive, threatening or harassing, is strictly prohibited. As with anything, you, as a member, should use good common sense when posting. Posts containing personal attacks on another user will be deleted and may in extreme cases lead to a exit through the door without passing go.
- Topics/posts containing such will be deleted accordingly. If you violate this rule, your account may be automatically banned without prior warning. So common keep the racism and porn out of here, right?
- Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene is not permitted Topics/posts and chats containing such will be deleted on sight. If you violate this rule, your account may be automatically banned without prior warning and common we are not here for porn. BB is mutch more fun
External links?
Hey, No external links is allowed in here without approval from a administrator. You may risk your account in all our groups by doing so.
Say, what? No kind of advertising of other groups or pages are allowed in here. Well no advertising at all actually, we get enough of that on TV.
What happens if i break the rules?
Depending on the rule you broke the following will happen.
Your post will get deleted, see this as a warning. Always listen to the warning the admin/moderator gives you.
Your account MAY be banned permanently. We do NOT remove perm bans.
And remember to act and react fellow members.