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BBCAN10 Week 9 Power of Veto Results!

Haleena won the Power of Veto!

Are you happy Haleena won the Power of Veto? This means unless Haleena really wants that win, the Veto won’t be used and Jacey-Lynne is likely to go on Thursday.

We’re down to the final five Big Brother Canada 10 players. Right now, the game is heavily favoring a Kevin Jacobs win, but there are still a few competitions left that could change this season’s outcome. Now is the time when competition wins are critical. This week’s Power of Veto Competition is one of the most critical because it determines which of the current nominees leave the game.

Head of Household Betty Yirsaw set her sights on evicting her former game bestie Josh Nash or Jacey-Lynne Graham. This left power duo Kevin and Haleena Gill with a lot of power this week. They could either take out one of the former allies or remove a potential competitive threat.

Going into this week’s Power of Veto Competition, Jacey-Lynne needed the Veto the most. She was one foot out of the door unless she got the Veto this week.

Are you happy Haleena won the Power of Veto? This means unless Haleena really wants that win, the Veto won’t be used and Jacey-Lynne is likely to go on Thursday.

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