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Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 7 Recap


Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 7 Recap

The last Big Brother Canada 11 episode shows Hope volunteering to go on the Block. According to the episode, Hope was upset about his performance in the Head of Household Competition. He put a lot of stock in his ability to win competitions. Therefore not winning them makes him feel like he isn’t bringing anything to his team. Hope hoped to play in the Power of Veto Competition and win it.

However, he immediately had Block regret before Dan made his nominations. However, it was too late to stop the nomination train. Hope found himself on the Block next to his friend Renee. Dan nominated Renee because he doesn’t have much of a game relationship with her. Dan would prefer Renee to leave between the two of them.

But, Dan’s close ally Zach has another target in mind. He wants to take out Roberto and believes now may be the best time to do it before Rob gains momentum to control the game.

The Power of Veto Competition and Power of Veto Ceremony has the potential to change Dan’s plan for this week and make Zach’s plan a lot easier. Let’s dig into tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 Power of Veto episode.

BBCAN11 Week 2 Nominations Fall-Out

Hope put himself in this position, but Renee wasn’t expecting to hit the Block two weeks in a row. This can’t make her too confident about her place in the BBCAN11 house.

Dan lets Renee know that she is his targets. Renee blames the men for her being in this position. She also isn’t happy that her biggest ally, Hope, is also on the Block. Daniel and Kuzie talking about Zach saying they were one of Dan’s option. They don’t want to be played by him.

Claudia and Ty get in a little bit of an argument because Claudia realizes that he is part of the backdoor Rob plan. Ty then spins it to Santina and Zach that Rob has been telling girls that he may be backdoored.

BBCAN11 Week 2 Power of Veto Competition

Will the men continue to dominate these competitions or will some women start to win them?

Kuzie, Zach, and Vanessa are picked to play in the Power of Veto Competition. They have to put together a puzzle of a toothbrush first. Zach, Vanessa, Kuzie, Renee, and Hope finish in this order. They have to place tubes in the right hole while the toothbrush shakes. The houseguests have to go head-to-head based on their position. Therefore, Hope and Renee face off first. Hope wins this round.

Next, it’s Hope versus Kuzie. Hope wins this round as well. Then Vanessa goes against Hope. Hope wins this round as well. The final round comes down to Hope versus Zach for the Power of Veto and the $5,000 prize.

Eventually, Zach wins by three points.

Zach wins the Power of Veto.

Hope asks Vanessa if she told Zach how to beat him. Vanessa takes it personally and starts crying. Immediately, Zach tells Ty that Dan isn’t going next. He says that he trusts him more than Claudia, but Ty disagrees. He wants Dan out next. Ty also says that he shouldn’t have won the Veto, so it wouldn’t put blood on his hands.

Hope then apologizes to Vanessa for making her cry. Kuzie and Zach overhear her. He talks about being tired of hearing her crying and if she can’t handle it, she should leave. Vanessa then confronts him about it. This leads to an argument between them and Vanessa exposes that Zach wants to vote out Rob and tried to do it last week.

BBCAN11 Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony

Will anything change during the Power of Veto Ceremony or are Hope and Renee going to have to fight it out on Thursday?

Santina tells Dan to not let Ty and Zach influence his decision. She admits that’s what happened with her last week with John Michael. She tells him that she just wants him to make the best move for his game. She also says that they lied to her about JM. Santina tells Zach that they could have used Rob further. He basically dismisses everything that she says and she says he’s not doing things that are best for their game. He’s only doing what’s best for his game. He’s not being a team player.

Santina wants to try to keep Rob going after Zach. Santina even warns Rob about Zach’s plan to put him up. Jonathan then questions Zach about what Vanessa said about trying to get Rob nominated last week. Zach tries to spin things that Rob is creating paranoia in the house about him.

Jonathan breaks down about the possibility of Rob going because he’s his ride-or-die. He feels like he’ll be fighting the game alone without Rob. He opens up to Santina about all of this. Jonathan even considers asking Zach to put him up instead of Rob.

The episode decides to end on a cliffhanger instead of showing the Power of Veto Ceremony.

Other Stuff

We may see an awkward showmance-cut-off before it begins.

Make sure to join us Later today, for the second Big Brother Canada 11 eviction of the season.

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 6 is now uploaded on our website