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Digital Dailies Highlights!


Big Brother Canada 11 continues the Digital Dailies this week with some important Veto information and a brewing feud. The Big Brother Canada producers changed things up on Monday by posting Digital Dailies early on Monday morning. Overall, the two hours plus didn’t give us much game information. It was a lot of filler and very little substance. The Digital Dailies are making a compelling argument for why Big Brother Live Feeds work a lot better than two hours of edited content daily.

But that’s a conversation for another day.

The Digital Dailies of Monday (3/13/2023), did confirm some valuable information. It confirmed who won the Power of Veto Competition and that there, in fact, maybe a backdoor at work. However, we’re still not sure who is leading this backdoor plan, because a lot of people believe that it is their move.

Let’s dig into what we learned from the Monday Digital Dailies.

Ty Won The Veto

The biggest reveal was that Ty has won the Power of Veto. He really wants to use it to save Anika. There are several reasons he wants to use it and on Anika specifically. First, he is part of this backdoor John Michael plan. Second, Anika got the houseguest’s choice during the Veto selection and picked him. It would maybe win her loyalty if he uses it on her and saves her, as he promised her initially.

Third, I believe that Ty wants to use the Veto to get a big move on his resume already. Anika pitched to Ty that he should use it to save her because it would make him look good. She also mentioned not wanting to stay on the Block and start a pattern of her being a constant pawn. Ty was receptive to her plea but he had already decided to use it on her.

Zach and he spoke about it earlier. They just have to make sure that Santina wants to still backdoor John Michael. We didn’t get to see any of their conversations with Santina for that day. Therefore, we won’t find out until the next Digital Dailies on Tuesday. This should give us a better picture of where the Power of Veto is used on Anika and if John Michael goes up as a replacement nominee.

The Real Core?

Claudia and Jonathan have developed a close bond and are working together. Jonathan is pretending to not be part of the all-male alliance, so he’s pretending not to know that JM is the real target. Therefore, he warned Claudia that Renee could possibly be voted out this week. Renee and Claudia are also close, so she already said that she couldn’t vote out Renee this soon.

She spoke about it not reflecting well on her character in the game. Additionally, Claudia told Jonathan that they could use Renee as a number for this side but dispose of her when necessary. Claudia also asked Jonathan if she should worry about her relationship with Ty making her a target. He reassured her that she was fine for now. He would tell her if things changed.

Ty and Claudia are apparently leaving showmance crumbs because their relationship has been mentioned a few times on the Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies so far. Later, Ty and Jonathan talked. Ty revealed that the people he really wants to work with are Zach, Santina, Claudia, and Jonathan. He’s okay leaving Rob behind at some point.

However, Claudia and Jonathan also spoke about seeing Zach pulling strings and not knowing about him as a player. I believe that Jonathan was more genuine in his conversation with Claudia. I think if he has to take out Zach or Rob, he’s taking out Zach. Whereas, Ty is the opposite. It’ll be interesting when they have to finally cut one of their members.

Of that all-male alliance, it seems like Zach and Rob believe they are playing the best game within their group. Zach especially thinks he’s running the game. However, in actuality, Jonathan is playing the best game, and Ty may be second. However, Ty is already making a lot of mistakes, including getting in a possible showmance and having a need to win comps.

Incoming Comp Best Dan?

Dan placed second in this week’s Power of Veto Competition. At one point, he was beating Ty. If Dan had won, he would be coming off the Block this week. This would have still likely resulted in JM going up as his replacement.

Ty mentioned underestimating Dan, so the men may see him as a threat eventually. He also may win competitions and shake up the game, if that’s his prerogative. Dan has been shown on the Digital Dailies but not in any real significant way. He doesn’t seem to be playing the game yet.

It’s hard to get a read on him. However, it appears that he’s kind of just there. He’s not going to make any big moves or really change the game. He’ll go with whoever scoops him up.

Other Details

There seems to have been a Have-Not Competition. It resulted in Dan, Anika, Daniel, and Renee all becoming Have-Nots. They are trying to come up with slop recipes. There is also a pretty long conversation in the hot tub between Hope and Vanessa.

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