Digital Dailies Highlights (03/16/23) (1)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/16/23) (1)
The Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies has thankfully shifted to focusing on more game talks, less fluff. This is great because there has been so much going on these two weeks that we’re getting lost relying only on the Big Brother Canada episodes. Thursday’s BBCAN11 Digital Dailies is a good example of this.
There were a couple of main storylines going on with them. One of them being tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 eviction. John Michael has been the target all week, but yesterday’s Digital Dailies offered a bit of hope. Today’s Digital Dailies squashed that hope.
The second storyline involves the men’s alliance and its upcoming demise. We got some context but needed a lot more to figure out why all this happened. Let’s dig into the highlights from the 3/15 Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies.
The Men Target Their Own
You can’t just put a bunch of alpha males in an alliance and expect it to work. Pretty Boys and The Brigade worked because they weren’t all alpha male types. Simply calling Hope, Jonathan, Zach, Rob, and Ty alpha males is a generalization. And honestly, we haven’t gotten to know them well enough to label their personalities. However, there are similarities that unite most of them, including big egos, competition beast potential, and wanting to be desired by the BBCAN11 women.
These personality similarities and differences have caused conflict among the group. Kuzie and Rob had a long conversation where they discussed Hope. Hope has apparently gotten under some houseguest’s skin, especially Jonathan. Rob talked about not being the one to take out Hope, but if that’s what other people decide to do, he has no control over it.
Furthermore, Rob got really honest with Kuzie. He told her about his fears about Zach trying to control the house and game. He also let her know that if JM didn’t go this week, Renee would have been next. Kuzie shared back. She disclosed that she’s unsure about Santina because of being left out of the loop. It appears that Rob knows he could become a target for the men and has been working to build stuff in other places
Rob’s fears seem to be justified because Zach and Ty discussed trying to get Rob out as soon as next week. They even want Hope to take him out just to further embarrass him when someone who doesn’t even want to be there (Hope) stays longer than him and takes him out. Ty and Zach have had a vendetta against Rob for a while. We don’t exactly know why but with Ty, part of it may be jealousy — as we saw with Thursday’s episode.
Zach and Ty versus Rob seem to be coming this week, and this is good for everyone else.