Episode 3 Recap!
A lot has happened between last week’s Big Brother Canada 11 premiere and now. Firstly, we have already seen several BBCAN11 Digital Dailies. They have given us some insight into the game, but hopefully, the episodes fill in the gaps. There are a lot of things still unknown with only about eight hours of Live Feeds footage, including what causes this week’s nominations and targets.
We also don’t know any of the alliance names! This episode has a lot to do in less than sixty minutes, so let’s hope for the best.
Tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 episode will show the first few days of Santina’s Head of Household reign. Thursday’s episode ended with Santina and John Michael going head-to-head to win the HOH title. They also promised to not nominate each other. The two seemed solid to become partners or alliance members in the future.
We also saw Renee become the first nominee of the week by placing last in two competitions. Now, we’ll see who else Santina decides to nominate for eviction alongside Renee. This is the first Big Brother Canada 11 week, so we’ll start to see some of the first alliances start to form and maybe even a possible showmance or two.
BBCAN11 Alliances Form, Canada’s Safety Vote And Other Things
A lot can happen in a few days, including targets forming and alliances solidifying. Let’s dig into all the action.
Renee starts to feel down about being on the Block. However, Hope makes her feel better about it by mentioning winners who were on the Block the first week.
Santina talks about not really connecting with anyone in the other room, so she has no problem putting any of them up. She names Dan, Daniel, John Michael, Anika, Claudia, and Hope.
Vanessa and Kuzie discuss possible trying to start a women’s alliance. She wants the women to run the game and kick out some of the physically bigger male players. Meanwhile, Santina discusses with Jonathan working with the big men. She says her biggest connections are with Ty, Roberto, and Zach.
Zach tells Jonathan, Ty, and Rob that John Michael said he would go after the boys. Ty mentions trying to get Dan up, but Zach gives him a little pushback. Zach has a clear vision of backdooring John Michael.
This season adds a Wendy’s twist that includes breakfast instead of lunch. It also includes Wendy’s points that can be used later, but further details weren’t disclosed.
Santina thinks her safest option would to be to nominate players she aren’t close with but isn’t sure yet. Santina takes JM to the Wendy’s breakfast. Herman delivers her meal. JM tells Santina that if he had won HOH, he would have nominated the men.
Zach tries to pitch Santina that she needs to target John “Martin.” Santina continuously has to correct him about John Michael. After their Wendy’s date, JM start to worry that Santina might not stick to their agreement. He shares this worry with Hope.
There are two showmances brewing. One between Claudia and Ty, and the other between Rob and Santina. Anika is annoyed that Claudia is getting in a showmance because she wants Claudia out. She names Renee, Dan, JM, and Claudia as toxic players that she wants out. Kuzie thinks she needs to calm down and focus on the men’s alliance right in their face.
Anika then pitches to Santina to keep her off the Block. She throws JM under the bus to do it. Dan asks Santina if she could go up on the Block, and she says that she can’t say no.
She tells him that he may go up for just being last to talk to her, and he gets a little angry about it.
Anika continues to pitch for anyone but her to go on the Block. Santina reassures her that she will not go on the Block. She then tells Ty and Zach that she wants to put up JM as an initial nominee and not a backdoor. However, Zach thinks that he needs to be backdoored. He lies about everyone hating JM. He thinks Anika doesn’t matter in the game and they can pull in Dan.
Santina is set on nominating JM until Zach convinces her to backdoor him.
BBCAN11 Nominations
Who will Santina decide to nominate this week?
The houseguests are suddenly called to the living room. Vanessa is then selected to go to the Diary Room. They learn that Canada has voted to save Claudia.
Santina nominates Anika and Dan. Renee is also a nominee for placing last in both competitions this week.
Make sure to join us tomorrow for another Big Brother Canada 11 recap.