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Good Tuesday afternoon BB-Lovers

Good Tuesday afternoon BB-Lovers

Today’s Big Brother Canada 11 episode revealed what happened within the first Veto Ceremony, and there is some interesting stuff that could come from this! Of course, we also still tend to think there are reasons for frustration.

So where do we start off with this piece? Well, let’s just note that Ty did use the Veto that he won on Anika, which means that Head of Household Santina had to nominate someone else alongside Dan and Renee, who was nominated as a result of the Dead Last twist. She chose John Michael, which is brutal when you think that they competed together at the start of the season. Also, she indicated to him at the time that he would be safe.

If we wanted to be objective about this (hard), it is easy to admit that John Michael would be a threat later in the game since he is such a huge threat. However, Santina taking him out is a super-bad look since it establishes a precedent early that her word in the game doesn’t mean that much. We don’t think there’s any value in something this like this so early in the game. Santina can try to reassure John Michael all she wants, but we think he will remember this if he stays by some miracle. He’s going to try to flip the votes against Dan, and maybe throw Santina under the bus in the process.

For the record, this is one of those times more than ever that we miss the live feeds the fallout from these is always super fun and now, it feels like a flat tire. We don’t get to see proper context for anything and it’s hard to read how a lot of people feel.

So as things stand, we think that John Michael will be evicted, but there is a lot of time and a ton of footage we’re not able to see. We do think some of the bros are transparent enough that if the rest of the house realizes they want JM gone, they could try to flip the vote to keep him.

What do you think is going to happen this week in Big Brother Canada 11?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back for some other updates.

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