Live feed Big Brother Canada Monday April 25!

Haleena & Josh are still in bed. Kevin & Betty are making breakfast
Kevin brings breakfast to Josh. Levin tells Haleena, that she's up (veto speech) in an hour. Haleena tells Kev that she's goi8ng to use it. Kev says that he will never talk to her again. Haleena tells Josh how Haleena was pushing last night for Josh to get out-Finally! When Jace realized it was having she got in a bad mood. It doesn't' make sense for me to use it on you (Josh) Josh agrees, it would cause too much chaos Jace told Haleena she doesn't know what to do about her veto speech! She's never had to give 1 before.
Kevin is doing dishes. Josh thanks Kev for breakfast Betty wants to name the remaining HG's the final 10. She thinks it's so funny. Kevin is excited to see all the alliances when they get out of here. Especially Jay, Josh & Kevin agree ha had a lot more going on then they were aware of. Betty, "ya think?" "Wowww". Betty, Kev, & Josh are talking about the rogue vote. Betty didn't care until; 3 weeks later when Gino pulled us all in the room, to find out who cast the vote Kev thinks it was Hermon, it a very strategic plan. Kevin does his best Marty impression. Betty tells how Marty pulled her into a room and asked her "did you vote for that,?" like yelling at me. He did the same thing to Josh Kevin thinks it might have been Summer, she has incredible intuition & can real people very well.
Haleena taking a shower. Jace getting ready, blow-drying her hair, Betty in HOH by herself Josh & Kevin also start to get ready for veto ceremony.
Kevin was walking around counting. Now he's in deep though outside. Kevin to cams Good morning to the feeds! My mood is greatly affected by my sleep, today is a good day. Who will stay & who will go? I woke up this morning thinking Josh will go but, if the 3 of us make it to the end that's be exciting! He gives a shout-out to updaters. Kevin thanks the updaters because he's relied on us before. He needs to win more comps. He's unsure who is better at comps, Betty or Jace. There's a sick part of him that wants Josh to cut him at 3 Starts practicing days.
Betty & Jace getting ready for ceremony
BB-"please clean kitchen & living room" Kev & Josh seem to the only ones cleaning
Betty says she’s proud she never kissed Marty’s ass not once did she make deals with him. She fake cried once right before jury but he still put her OTB. Betty asks Hal if she ever thinks Kev is the smartest person? This is open girl talk. He acted like he didn’t know BB. Betty says she’s been thinking a lot about it. Hal says she does think of that too. She realized it a few weeks ago around Moose. Betty/Josh says they were egging the BB forums talk. Hal didn’t know about them either & Kev got defensive. Betty wonders if it’s caught up to him now & he’s feeling overwhelmed from the person he was on the show & who he is in RL. Betty exposes she thinks Kev is a teacher. Hal wonders. Betty says he always changes the subject when it comes to his job&teachers marry teachers. Betty says Kev knows a lot of kids songs,he is articulate,she could go on forever about her theory but she could be wrong.Betty says he’s a smart guy&she thinks he loves this game more than anything&going home 1st scared him.Hal says he doesn’t love it more than Marty? Betty thinks Kev does love this game more than Marty. Hal says I can’t wait to find out. Betty will text Hal when she watches back. Hal think they will know right away at finale. Betty says Kev was really good at playing behind the scenes feeds cut.
Hal reporting back to Kev about Bettys convo & theory on Kev being a teacher. Hal’s laughing&says I’m a teacher who’s not with a teacher. Betty was asking Hal if she sees value in keeping Jace? Kev thinks Josh is better at everything than Jace & he throws comps. Kev says with Jace she’s all athletic & that’s what’s in the end. Hal says ya. Kev brings up Josh saying he could memorize the pantry in 10 mins if he wanted. Kev says Jace is hard to predict. Hal agrees&if she had to chose right now Kev would keep Jace. Hal says yes. Kev says there is a play that’s super dangerous. Hal asks do you think at this stage Josh would throw it? Kev thinks Josh is THAT sick. Josh told Hal he threw comps in his pitch. Kev says Josh isn’t afraid of throwing comps in a high stake situation. Kev says he wants to hear what Jace has to say but he doesn’t care. Hal says she’s just pitching we have a better chance to stay if we go with her. Josh tells them lunch is done. Kev says he’s not on the same page as Hal,that Josh is better for Hal to go&Jace for Kev. Hal says when she thought about it last night she came to same the conclusion. It doesn’t matter who stays for who. You’re dammed if you do & damned if you don’t! Betty told Hal she doesn’t know who she would put up, she wants Josh to stay cause he’s her friend obviously.
Kev asks Hal if they're going to flip flop about this for the next 72 hours? Hal doesn't think so - this was always going to go like this. Kev wonders if they should lock in w/ Josh now? Show no hesitation? Hal agrees. Kev thinks G will also be in jury advocating for Jace to win. Hal says Betty has Sum. G has Jace & can vouch for her game & decisions. Kev agrees & says they don’t have anyone like that for them. Kev says the more we talk about it,think about it we need each other in F2. Kev says we need each other to have a shot which means we have to get everyone out. Hal laughs & says ya. Kev says or go on a run ourselves? We say we aren’t this or that but we’re good. I’m confident we can do it. We stay loyal&keep Josh& then make sure it’s Betty next. Kev says what do you think of it? Are we gonna flip flop on it for the next 72 hours? Hal says no I think so too. They shake on it. Hal says Josh has never asked to speak to her on his own. She wants to hear what he has to say before they tell him their decision. Kev doesn’t think she should wait to tell him.They should just tell Josh he’s staying soon.Hal/Kev talk about studying/quizzing each other.Kev says you know what Kevin Martin didn’t have?An ally.He said Kevin was alone & he had Neda as a shield. He says we’re gonna do it. Hal agrees they’re gonna do it. Kev says they’re in this together & we can only win next to each other. Hal says it’s so unique being in this position. She wonders why give up now when they’ve been doing so good? Kev agrees that he’s willing to fight for her since W1. Kev went OTB for her W1 when Herm wanted her up & he says let’s do this. She says ok love you & he says love you too. Hal says I don’t say those words lightly but I mean them. I love you & I’m gonna tie a rakairi on you(a string bracelet)you tie it on your bro. Kev says sure. Hal says I tie it on you & give you chocolate/sweet.Then you give me money but you don’t have to do that. Kev offers to buy her lunch instead& she says sure.He says let’s do this again & she goes upstairs while he heads outside where Josh/Betty. Hal thinks their situation is so unique - she tells Kev she loves him, and she doesn't say that often. Hal plans to wrap a piece of string on Kevs wrist - it's what girls do in Punjabi culture to their brothers.
Feeds return Jace is saying how real this week is. All week she's woken up and felt different. Josh wonders what his mom would think of this game. She would never lie, she's super ethical. The HG's got to see family in the phone room. They were in shock, seeing family, made them all emotional HG's let out dome screams. Betty said we just need some bevvy's They got to see family. Josh's family has Josh T-shirts that they wear (since day 1) Everyone is healthy which was huge for Betty to hear. Gave her a fire under her ass to get things going in there. Let's sort this out bitches & get it over with Kevin got the same thumbs up he always gets. Betty-everyone looked so bomb! Plus, we didn't get tested about it! None of them can believe they made it this far, they're going to remember this for the rest of their lives IDK where Jace is...DR maybe. Kev & Josh hug, Kev asks if Josh is ok. "that was ...I don't know what that was" "that was something" Kevin is emotional. Kevin tells Hal about the tie convo he just had with Jace Haleena is so happy. Make butter chicken. She's on cloud 9. Kev wonders if the family members that came to the house are hanging out now.
Kevin & Haleena are laughing about family visit. Wish they could've given them some hints. At least who they should send home this week! They are jovial, Joking and laughing
Josh & Betty are sharing how happy they are. Josh tells Betty how wonderful his mom his. She represents herself so well. He's shocked she came today, she hates to fly.
Haleena is happy that Kev and Jace had a talk. She won't let it go to a split vote. It's me & Kevin that decide this week. If Josh slips through another week, he's going to take Betty, can't you guys see that. Jace asks why Betty looks like she's judging u all the time. Haleena tells Jace that Betty is closer to Kevin than she is. But, even if Josh & Betty end up in final 2 Josh will win. Josh will win against almost everyone. Jace tells Hal she has to win HOH and Hal tells Jace that she has to talk to Kevin.
Kevin start weighing the cons of Jace, she has nothing to lose, she has an unbelievable advocate in the jury. Hal, Kev, & Josh discuss how their alliance is organic and fun compared to other alliances. Kev-For 3/4 us to make it to final 4 is incredible! Kev-Jace is going to start shit talking, that's all she has at this point Hal-She already has, referring to the bathroom convo. Kev tells Betty & Josh about his convo with Jillian. She's hot but didn't tell her how beautiful she looked. He wanted to know about her life.
Betty joins Jace & Haleena to help cook. Betty thinks they need to whisk the sauce & add cheese. Kevin comes in and still can't can't believe he saw Jillian in real life. They had a conversation back & forth, amazing.
HG's are eating dinner. General chit chat. Betty asks what the other HG's are grateful for in someone important in their lives. Jace, her mom supports her no matter what. Haleena-mom, she has resilience. Kevin is a processor and sometimes it takes him days to recognize emotion & that's why she loves Jillian so much, she understands that about him Josh-appreciates his family watching the feeds together & that this moment brought his fam closer. Josh's family brought up slop. Now everyone is talking about how horrible slop is. The HG's want to know what is behind the numbered door. Kev thinks it has something to do with the final 4 comp, it lines up. Summer was convinced there was a clown behind the door. What do you think is behind the red door?
Kevin & Haleena are laughing about family visit. Wish they could've given them some hints. At least who they should send home this week! They are jovial, Joking and laughing
Josh & Betty are sharing how happy they are. Josh tells Betty how wonderful his mom his. She represents herself so well. He's shocked she came today, she hates to fly.
Haleena is happy that Kev and Jace had a talk. She won't let it go to a split vote. It's me & Kevin that decide this week. If Josh slips through another week, he's going to take Betty, can't you guys see that. Jace asks why Betty looks like she's judging u all the time. Haleena tells Jace that Betty is closer to Kevin than she is. But, even if Josh & Betty end up in final 2 Josh will win. Josh will win against almost everyone. Jace tells Hal she has to win HOH and Hal tells Jace that she has to talk to Kevin.
Kevin start weighing the cons of Jace, she has nothing to lose, she has an unbelievable advocate in the jury. Hal, Kev, & Josh discuss how their alliance is organic and fun compared to other alliances. Kev-For 3/4 us to make it to final 4 is incredible! Kev-Jace is going to start shit talking, that's all she has at this point Hal-She already has, referring to the bathroom convo. Kev tells Betty & Josh about his convo with Jillian. She's hot but didn't tell her how beautiful she looked. He wanted to know about her life.
Betty joins Jace & Haleena to help cook. Betty thinks they need to whisk the sauce & add cheese. Kevin comes in and still can't can't believe he saw Jillian in real life. They had a conversation back & forth, amazing.
HG's are eating dinner. General chit chat. Betty asks what the other HG's are grateful for in someone important in their lives. Jace, her mom supports her no matter what. Haleena-mom, she has resilience. Kevin is a processor and sometimes it takes him days to recognize emotion & that's why she loves Jillian so much, she understands that about him Josh-appreciates his family watching the feeds together & that this moment brought his fam closer. Josh's family brought up slop. Now everyone is talking about how horrible slop is. The HG's want to know what is behind the numbered door. Kev thinks it has something to do with the final 4 comp, it lines up. Summer was convinced there was a clown behind the door. What do you think is behind the red door?