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Live feed Big Brother Canada SaturdayApril 30!


Kevin waves to the cam as he brushes his teeth. Come on Kev tell us something.Cams switching from black and white to color. We're getting closer.

Kev is on battery duty. Hal I hope Josh keeps me over Betty. It sounds like Josh won the vet. Kev tells Hal that he thinks she'll be good at trivia comps but he'll be saying the opposite to Josh so he'll keep her. Kevin plans on telling Josh he's going to cut Haleena & he'd lose her vote because of it. Haleena tells Kev to go for it! Kev-He already thinks I'm taking him so, might as well.Kevin just told Josh that Haleena evicts Betty.Kev tells Josh that Betty will probably take the other person that is there over Josh in final 2. He says it's not like Josh is evicting Betty, it's Kev or Hal evicting Betty. Kev says he'll vote out Betty if he wants him to. Hal will probably vote out Betty if he wants to. He says he can probably get Betty to vote out which of them he wants Kev gets called to DR Josh says he'll think about who will get votes from jury and win. Kev says probably Betty. HE says he'll be back after (DR) "love you" Josh-"love you more"

Betty comes in to give Josh her pitch. Josh says it doesn't need to be formal. Betty says she thinks getting in final 3 is an earned spot and she didn't earn her spot in final 3 yesterday. She respects his decision no matter what. Their friendship comes first. Betty asks if he believes her Josh-I do. Betty says she told him from the jump when she won HOH they wanted to form an alliance The 3 Josh-that's such a dumb name Betty-bc we were in the third group. So she did say she would go with them to save her game but would not cut Josh.

Arisa calls the HGs to the living room to tell them this is an eviction!

Feeds are officially off air for the season.

We'll be back for with episode Monday and Wednesday and finale to see who is crowned the winner!

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