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Live feed Big Brother Canada Thursday March 17

Good Morning Houseguests it's time to get up for the day"

Haleena & Summer go over votes. They're unsure about Kevin. They don't know if Hermon knows about Kev, they don't think they should tell him.

Moose getting those teeth sparkly. Josh & Marty are chit chatting in the kitchen Kyle enters "Good morning Kyle," said Marty.

"Get your clothes out Kyle Moore," Hermon asks if they're in there, if so, he's happy to throw them out. Summer wonders if Kyle will come back in that room to sleep. Hermon, "I don't give a fuck, I think he knows better than to come lay next to me,"

Marty goes takes his breakfast into Expedia but, he sees Gino doing his morning meditation & leaves

Kyle said he didn't sleep well last night. Betty-"Don't worry" Kyle-just thinking Betty-"Don't worry"

Moose-Do you think you have the votes Steph-Yes Moose-Good, do you know how many Steph-Yes Moose-Ok that helps me, I still gotta talk to a couple more ppl. That helps but, I just want to talk to a few more ppl b4 I decide

Haleena-Kyle better be nervous! I can't believe he said he'd put you up, AGAIN, NO REMORSE, Josh-I Know, and asked me to wear my shirt! Haleena-NO REMORSE! Before Haleena leaves the room she looks at cams "Canada, ppl think he's going home today, but, he's not!"

Josh sings to himself "I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous but, I'm excited because it's going to happen today

Kyle does this thing in the morning where he waits for Gino to end meditation by pretending he's meditating,

Week 3 Eviction Vote!

Stepanie is evicted by a vote of 9-2

Will Kyle’s bad decisions come back to haunt him during the final vote?

Betty voted to evict Stephanie

Haleena voted to evict Stephanie

Hermon voted to evict Stephanie

Jacey-Lynne voted to evict Josh

Jessica voted to evict Stepanie

Kevin voted to evict Stephanie

Marty voted to evict Stephanie

Moose voted to evict Stephanie

Gino voted to evict Josh

Summer voted to evict Stephanie

Tynesha voted to evict Stephanie

Stepanie is evicted by a vote of 9-2

Week 4 HOH!

Gino is the new Head of Household!

With things in the air, everyone needs to try to win this week’s Head of Household Competition but who will win it? For this week’s HOH, the houseguests had to guess whether the price of an item in the pantry was higher or lower than the price that Arisa says.

Round #1-Hermon is eliminated.

Round #2-Tynesha, Summer, Jess, Josh, Haleena, and Jacey-Lynne are eliminated

Round #3-Everyone is still in it.

Round #4-Everyone is still in it.

Round #5-Kevin is eliminated.

Round#6-Everyone is still in it.

It’s a tie between Gino, Moose, Betty, and Marty. They go to a tie-breaker question.

Gino is the new Head of Household!

Marty tells Haleena that Kyle overplayed his HOH and everything backfired and he feels like he got played in front of Canada and he is taking it personal. Marty says he went against the boys (Kyle/Gino) and one of them won. Marty says he told Kyle he's in a good spot. Marty says Gino won't even look at him. Hal says to tell them that Marty thought they were turning on him. Marty tells Hal if he won he would have put up Kyle and Gino bc he backstabbed them and think they would come after him. He says if he were Gino he's putting up Hermon and Marty. He's expecting to go up. Hal-I don't think so Marty-Gino is a smart kid. Marty tells Hal he doesn't want to suck up to power that's not him. Hal says he can't go home. "do you understand that?" Marty says he knows. If it's him and Hermon, they need to expose Hermon playing both sides.

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