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Live feed Big Brother Canada Wednesday March 30!


Summer-I feel like I have a lot of game convos that don't really go anywhere. I feel like our relationship personal & game is too close for us not to have something. I can only work w/you if Jace isn't here. Same with me & T being here. G-Yeah, it is an individual game. Gino-You saw it with me & Kyle. Because, I was associated with him, people were afraid to even talk to me. There's some ppl in this house who see you that way with some of your ppl? Do you understand what I mean? Summer-Are you lying to me Stavros? LOL. Summer-I just really don't like being see that I'm influential. I don't even like any of you ppl! Not everyone, I wish there were ppl I could spend less time with. But, we're all paying rent in this house. Marty comes and sits down next to Summer. Summer believes that Marty is the reason that Tynesha is OTB. T says "I knew it!"

Jess is now outside, Kevin went it. Jess tells Haleena they have to figure out how to deal with tomorrows aftermath. Jess leaves ^& Haleena says, she feels bad & doesn't know what to do but, does know what to do

Summer-But, that's a lie! Don't lie on my name! Marty-You need to move forward Sum-Don't lie on my name. Marty-That should be the title for Summers book, "Threats & Lies" Summer-I'm trying to think of when I've lied. When Kyle was nominated, I told ppl I was surprised. I wasn't you didn't tell me, The lord told me! Marty-That's a reliable source They're laughing

Jess needs a coffee, they're tired. Asks Betty if third cup was hitting, Betty said yes. Jess asks what they should do to wake up Josh-take a walk, sitting still is the worst thing for you.

Summer-I'm worried that someone I'm close with could go home but, I think BB has something even more in store for us tomorrow. I'm also, thinking about stuff outside of here Jace-Yeah, I was just thinking about how it's just keep getting harder & harder to see ppl og

Betty-I guess Marty yesterday said he doesn't care which person OTB goes home. How dare he. He better not talk about Sienna or anything about her ever! Josh-Brutal. He seems pretty comfortable. Betty & Josh are joking about when she wins HOH and puts Marty up. Josh tells Betty that Jess is the one person in the house who brings his mood down. Betty wants to make it as far as she can. Why is jury such a big deal, I mean yeah, it's an accomplishment, but I want to do the very best I can Like final 5 or 3, we all give up so much to be here. I don't understand why ppl are just happy to make jury. Josh tells Betty that Jess is the one person in the house who brings his mood down. Betty - When I win HOH. I'm just gonna get everyone shakin in their boots. I just know that the universe wants good TV.. in my heart Josh - Don't be surprised if your Canada's fave Betty - Canada's fave isn't someone who's slimy Josh - You're not Betty - Sometimes I am

T & Kev are wondering if tomorrow is a double. T doesn't think it will be questions. T getting passionate about Kev not caring about who's in jury. Tynesha-How can you not care????? T-Marty said he doesn't care who goes home this week! RUDE! T tells Kevin to stop being so Naïve about power duos in the house. Kevin is done with Jess! Kev tells T she doesn't have to spend this much time with him. He loves that when your friend is OTB, you can spend as much time as you want together without worrying about optics. T is hoping she gets to open a door tomorrow & at least get some money to bring home to Sienna. Kev thinks there's a twist coming, gotta be. T agrees. T-What if everyone watching knows where it's at and are screaming at us to go there. Betty pops in the T & Kev convo. T asks if she's going to come join them. Betty is leaving to use restroom then coming back to chill. T-loves Moose, sweet guy. Gamewise, he dropped my name to Kyle. Kev-Moose did? T-Yes, me & Herms KEV-That makes no sense, WTF

Live feed Big Brother Canada Wednesday March 30! (movie4)

Hermon is explaining to Moose that the votes might not be there. Tells him about Hermon trying feel ppl out before noms. Moose-I feel good with the numbers H-I then spoke to Gino & he said he wasn't comfortable. When Josh brought that up, I was like cool. Moose-people in this house, are soft, they're afraid to say what they're doing Hermon is very scared that if they go for the flip it won't work. It's very risky. T hasn't wronged him, but he'd rather have Moose fighting with him in the comps. Moose-I can guarantee that 5th vote. I think everyone is up for grabs except for Summer & Betty. If I can get Gino & Jace, I will then be able to get Haleena, Marty, or Kevin H-Keep my name out of it Moose-You don't have to tell me, I can find out on eviction night. Moose-I'm going to go to everyone and explain my value, whether it's comps, jury, whatever. Do you not want me to tell you what Gino & Jace are doing? Hermon-I'll just ask them myself Moose-Cool, do that tonight. Moose is leaving to talk to Haleena.

Moose-this is a huge vote Jace. I'm going to tell you something to show my vulnerability. Josh & I are boys and have been since day 1. I know he has something with T but, we're closer. This is going to be the FLIP OF THE SEASON. Herms just needs to hear it from you. Jace-plus if T leaves the whole bottom of that will fall. Moose-Exactly! It will, if Betty wins HOH, you'll be fine. She's going to put me up! Jace-I've also been thinking about Jury, I want ppl with strength in the jury Moose-the cracks that are starting to show will. Moose-the cracks will just crumble if this flip happens. Jace-Yeah, I think keeping you is best Moose-Let's fucking do this Jace! Biggest flip of the season. Let's fucking goooooo. Moose-I wouldn't be this pumped up if I wasn't positive it was happening. I wouldn't sit here and beg you to be my only vote. Moose is going to talk to Josh, Jace is going to talk to Gino.

Betty is emotional telling T how much she absolutely loves Josh, like truly, deeply. I didn't expect that. I'm not going to cry, I'm going to get back to talking about ppl we don't like I can't believe Marty said that he doesn't care.

Kevin is uncomfortable when Jess talks game with him while he's in the shower. He's afraid they might just look over. It's his only time he gets to himself. Summer is trying to get closer to Kevin on a game level. She has 7 ppl out before him. Kev-Who are those ppl? Summer-I don't want to say Kev-How flexible are you? Do you have like a final 5, 4, in mind? Summer-No I don't care who I'm with. I'm confident in my game. Kev-During Kyles HOH, u said u were playing an individual game. Is that still the case? Summer-Yes, I'd say so. I mean I can't help from getting upset when ppl I'm close to go OTB but, I know we'll have relationships outside the house Betty enters and gives them hugs.

T pitches to Marty - she thinks they've felt a good rapport with each other since the beginning. Marty agrees, but points out where he felt their relationship crumbled a bit during Kyle's HOH. T understands that, hindsight is 20/20 and will do better to communicate. Marty doesn't want to commit to anything right now, he doesn't feel great with Moose, but he plans to stick with the house and it's looking good for T.

Kev tells Hal and Josh that this is going to be hard, but if they don't stick together it will be 2 of them OTB. They have to win. Josh thinks the 3 of them should meet first thing every morning in Expedia. Then not spend time together during the day.

T and Moose vent about the fact they're on the block together and Jess is the reason for that. Now Jess is walking around and they're sad - T can't deal with it. Jess has to go! Moose agrees.

Betty is emotional telling T how much she absolutely loves Josh, like truly, deeply. I didn't expect that. I'm not going to cry, I'm going to get back to talking about ppl we don't like I can't believe Marty said that he doesn't care.

Kevin is uncomfortable when Jess talks game with him while he's in the shower. He's afraid they might just look over. It's his only time he gets to himself. Summer is trying to get closer to Kevin on a game level. She has 7 ppl out before him. Kev-Who are those ppl? Summer-I don't want to say Kev-How flexible are you? Do you have like a final 5, 4, in mind? Summer-No I don't care who I'm with. I'm confident in my game. Kev-During Kyles HOH, u said u were playing an individual game. Is that still the case? Summer-Yes, I'd say so. I mean I can't help from getting upset when ppl I'm close to go OTB but, I know we'll have relationships outside the house Betty enters and gives them hugs.

T pitches to Marty - she thinks they've felt a good rapport with each other since the beginning. Marty agrees, but points out where he felt their relationship crumbled a bit during Kyle's HOH. T understands that, hindsight is 20/20 and will do better to communicate. Marty doesn't want to commit to anything right now, he doesn't feel great with Moose, but he plans to stick with the house and it's looking good for T.

Kev tells Hal and Josh that this is going to be hard, but if they don't stick together it will be 2 of them OTB. They have to win. Josh thinks the 3 of them should meet first thing every morning in Expedia. Then not spend time together during the day.

T and Moose vent about the fact they're on the block together and Jess is the reason for that. Now Jess is walking around and they're sad - T can't deal with it. Jess has to go! Moose agrees.

Hal tells Josh about her alliance with the mandems and how they all said her name to Jess for the renom this week. Josh and Hal are talking about their 3 w/Kev and how smart it is - no one will see it. Both think shit will hit the fan once one of them win HOH. Josh thinks people may hate them, but it's a game and you need to make logical moves. Repeats that if one of their 3 win HOH things will blow up. Hal is pretty sure that Herms/T/Sum have a 3 and Herms/T definitely have a F2.

Moose-things are looking pretty good Marty-what I told you man, you can take it to the bank honestly Moose-Me too Marty says the only thing is he mentioned going up as a pawn. If he wins he's putting up B&Sum & if one comes down he might have to put up Moose as a pawn. Marty says right now he's voting 100% to keep Moose Moose says he thinks the house is flipping He says the big thing right now is GIno and Jace so if Marty is comfortable telling them they might be good. Marty says he's comfortable with Jace so he can tell her. Moose says that's good bc those two (Gino and JL) are leery bc of the Steph thing. Marty says Haleena told him she was leaning towards voting out T.

Kev says the idea of telling her scares him. He doesn't have too. She'd be over it in a couple of weeks. He says sitting near a single mom in the final 2 would be tough Herm says he'd have to hear it from Betty and Summer. Herm goes over pros and cons. Kev says T is one of the best social players in the game. Herm says one of them is a bigger threat Kev-comp threat. He says if it happens Summer and Betty can never be a part of it. They can't know. He asks him to let him know if he wants to do the 1 week safety thing

Josh and Kev in the room Josh thinks Betty and Summer would come after him for voting out T. He says the showmance would also come for him for lying to them. Kev says the showmance are the biggest liars. Josh says if he tells Herm he's voting for T he will too and might tell the other two Kev so should we all just get on board Josh says it'll look like his idea but it was Moose's idea. Moose screwed it up by telling people he had votes. Kev says if they don't vote out T then Jess and Marty will drop him and Hal. Josh says he doesn't think Jess cares Kev says Jess badly wants T out. Kev-we an figure this out Josh-I know we'll think on it Kev-Love you Josh-silence

Herm says Moose picked up some people and there were a few people he thought that wouldn't vote for Moose like JL, GIno & Marty He says then GIno talked to him today JL says that's bc Herm-It's f*cked JL it's absolutely f'ed. She knows it's a tough week for him.

Kevin-F8ck. That doesn't make any sense Hal-It's only because they heard H is going to switch Kev-That doesn't make any sense Hal says something I can't hear even with my sound booster on 600. Kev says H told him he wouldn't vote out T but is ok if Kev does.

T tells Summer about her talk with Haleena. T told Hal that she didn't have a chance to play in veto and is already at a disadvantage. If she stays she could get a chance to play in veto and if she doesn't win that's her fault. T continues that she told Hal she hopes she has her vote to stay and Hal said oh, don't worry. But she still hasn't said. Summer asks if she brought up mandems T said no . She said Marty said he would want to vote with the house so she's probably good there.

Herm and JL talking. Herm says he's weighing out everything again and see if there is a point in doing this or if it's a lateral messy move JL sees what's he's saying and there are pros and cons for both. Herm brings up it would be fun to keep both of Jess' original noms here. He says it's a "petty papi" move. JL asks if he's looking for numbers Herm says he would love a consensus vote. IF there's fixed votes it won't be a consensus if it's a flip vote bc there never is. Herm says his whole thinking shifted this week bc he didn't get the answers he thought when he was on the block.

Herms and Jl talk about how they want people there at the end/jury who had to make decisions (as HOH) and get their hands dirty. They take about having a cease fire for a couple of weeks. JL mentions that she has heard people say that T could win this game. JL brings up Marty is a target so he could be a shield for people like Herm, Gino, Marty.

Kev and Gino on the UL couch Gini says he chatted with Herm and if they whole house was going that way he would too game wise. Kev asks if he tells him that Kev was involved Gino says no bc Herm wanted confirmation so he said they should go around and talk to people. Kev tells GIno that he and Herm don't have a great relationship Gino says Herm doesn't know anything (about Kevin being involved). They went over Moose's pitch and then decided to talk to other for confirmation Kev asks what's the deal with Josh. GIno says Josh is the same thing. He's close with T but he's considering going with the vote. Gino says only Summer and Betty are voting to keep T right now so it will be 7-2 Kev says they only need 5 Gino says there good if a couple flip.

Summer and Herm Summer says she wants to be HOH next Herm says he would love a female to win HOH Summer says she wants to shake up the house. She says she's fine with T being a pawn but if that's not the situation. Herm-why wouldn't it be the situation. Summer says if Jess wins POV she'd try to convince them to take off Kevin. and Summer would put up Marty bc she thinks he's going after T. Herm says he thinks Moose's pitch is landing with a couple of people Summer says he didn't pitch to her. He said vote for your girl. She thinks Hal might be one of them. Feeds cut

Marty and Moose at the dining room table Marty says he spoke with JL and he thinks Moose is good Moose asks about Kevin Marty says he thinks Kev is voting out T.

T, Betty, Summer in the vacation room Betty is saying she talked to her (Hal?) and she thinks she's good. T says if she does vote her out then the two of them know that they're done with her. Summer says she told Hal that she hopes she doesn't feel isolated or in a lower level in the mandems's bc Summer has to deflect from the final 4. T says she said the same thing and that she didn't say her name to Jess. Jess asked for potential names and she said 5. Betty asks why they (T/summer/betty) would be the ones to flip the house. Summer says she needs to press Jess about it. Betty - So let me get this straight? She(Haleena) didn't tell you that she was voting to keep you? T - That's ok.. if it means I gotta go.. Summer - Don't be surprised if she ends up either as a target or a pawn

Herm/Josh/Hal. Herms says they have to consider if Moose would flip and work with others and then it would just be the three of them. They have a lot more to lose with the decision and he doesn't want to create unnecessary targets on themselves. Herm feels like they would be doing someone else's dirty work. And what if something miraculous happens and T or Summer or Betty win HOH. Then they'd be so thankful they did this. He doesn't want to create enemies Hal-who haven't done anything Josh agrees too.

Summer tells Moose that this is such a weird experience, this game. She says "What did I sign myself up for?". Hermon walks up to Summer, puts his hand on her arm, looks her in the eyes and says "Eye contact. It's an important thing apparently". Moose tells Summer that he wouldn't change a single thing. Summer asks if him and Kyle talked outside the house. He says no but they still went to the same party's and would talk to him outside of the house now.

Betty and Josh talking in red room. Josh asks Betty if she's playing the same game she thought she would coming into the house. She tells him that she is, she is being a straight shooter.

JL, Gino and Kevin in the purple room. Kev is telling them that Betty just told him "I hope you feel bad". Gino says he's going to go and rip her up. Kev tells him it's not worth it. JL is telling Gino that her, Kev and Jess were in the SR and T walked in. She says it looked like a sus group. Jess tried to include T in on the convo and they weren't even talking game. Kev and JL agree that it was an off vibe.

Hermon says his most fave day in the house was either the fashion show, running in the SR and stealing all the pizza or his POV win. T can't wait to see Josh and Hermon's POV wins outside the house. Haleena's favorite day in the house was the time they all spent together after the fashion show. They spent some mushy time together. It was also the first time they went in the hot tub and they had a lot of fun out there.

Hal says she could ask T or Summer if they ever mentioned her name but it would just go around in circles and cause drama. Josh says if Hal does it they will draw a hard line. Hal agrees. Josh says she has a better chance on the other line with T, Hermon, Jess and Betty.

Hal is talking with Josh in the Expedia vaca room. Hal says Summer and Betty will never forgive her outside the house if she does something (flip? OTB?) Josh says people have to go OTB though. Josh says it leaves T or Summer and he's fine with either person. Hal does believe Summer and T did pitch her name because they have the #'s to flip the house and keep Moose. Josh says Summer, Hermon and Betty would all vote to save T every time. Kevin comes in and asks them what they want to do. Kevin tells them the showmance is so good at the game. Josh is reviewing what he just told Hal. Kev tells Hal that the girls are trying to get her out. Kevin wants to run through some options freely. They let him. He says he would die for their group.

Hermon tells Kevin that he's not trying to repeat his HOH but he's looking at one person. Kevin says he would vote Jess out with a smile on his face. Herms says this brings him great joy. Kevin says everyone in this house except one or two are playing the game hard. Hermon says having this convo with Kev makes him feel much better and he feels like he understands where they're both at now. Hermon says T would owe Kev a massive massive debt.

Kevin is telling Moose that it seems like T will go home and that this week is really dark (he told Herm the same thing). Kev says he knows they haven't had the best game relationship but maybe they can change that. Kev wants Moose to go for the second HOH. Kevin tells Moose that hopefully they can work together going forward after this vote. Moose tells him to just not put him OTB.

Jess, Marty and JL in the HOH room. Marty asks if they are still on the same page. Jess and JL say yes. Feeds cut.

Hermon and Gino talking in the SR. Hermon says people playing the game should be rewarded at some point. He tells Gino that even if they are playing the game together Gino still needs to make the right game decisions for himself, Hermon can't tell him what to do. Hermon doesn't want to get to F5 and have 5 non-threats looking at him as a threat. That's why he wants to keep Moose. Gino wants to thinks things through and see what makes sense for him. Herm doesn't think there are sides anymore and if keeping Moose is dead it's ok. JL comes in, they tell JL they're studying & talking She was going to leave, they told her she could stay. Herm tells her he's trying to lock in where they're at about the vote "I want to keep T". JL asks what people are telling him. He says there're 5-6 voting to keep T. Hermon tells Gino and JL that there is a big target OTB. He wants to thin the heard and he doesn't want to overthink things. They can thin the heard and then battle it out. He says he isn't looking at the 2 of them and he hopes they aren't looking at him. They say no. Hermon leaves the SR and Gino and JL are talking. She says he's playing hard. Gino still wants to stick to their plan. JL says she just talked to Kev and Marty they say Hal is solid to send T home. Gino wants to talk to Hal anyway. Gino says if T goes home they didn't have to take the shot. He wants JL to tell him if she speaks to Hal. She teases him that she has to do the talking.

Gino is doing battery changes. He sees Hal in the bathroom and tells her he wants to chat with her. He will come back when he's done doing the batteries. She's ok with that.

Gino and Josh talking in the kitchen. Josh says it's weird that "that door turns green now". Gino says it started 2 days ago. Josh says he feels T is stronger. Gino wants to sleep on things tonight. Josh- "Then it's HOH time". Gino is going to gun for it.

Betty, Summer and T in the red room. Betty says she was unable to get info earlier because people kept walking in. She asks T how she feels. T feels that she's good and has the votes to stay. Hermon, Summer and T are talking. Hermon tells T that JL and Gino were thinking of flipping. T says she thought she had Gino's vote. Summer says if game talks don't mean anything anymore she just doesn't care. T says if JL and Gino flip she still has the votes.

Hermon feels that some people are overplaying this game. T says she isn't working with Jess ever again. Hermon says so many people dislike Jess that they don't want to do what they want her to and now want to keep T.

All rooms are getting ready to sleep now. They boys have ended the games downstairs.

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