Summary Big Brother Canada Wednesday March 2nd!
Summary Big Brother Canada Wednesday March 2nd!
8:00 PM BBT - 10:00 PM BBT
It’s March 2nd, which means it’s officially Big Brother Canada season. Tonight, we watch the 16 new Big Brother Canada 10 houseguests meet for the first time. The games are only just beginning as relationships start to form, alliances begin, and each houseguest starts to see their dream of becoming the BBCAN10 winner start to take shape.
Tonight is all about meeting the new Big Brother Canada 10 houseguests, as well as introducing viewers to any early twists. It’s going to be a night full of fun, surprises, and plenty of moments to make us excited to kick off Big Brother Canada 2022.
Viewers will also get a closer look at the all-new Big Brother Canada house design with all of its beautiful futuristic appeal. It’s going to be a fun 60+ days as we follow the houseguests’ every move and wat for a new BBCAN winner. Let’s dig into the first episode of the season.
Meet The Houseguests
All sixteen new houseguests move into the Big Brother Canada house.
All 16 new houseguests enter in sets of four.
The first four houseguests to move in (Gino, Josh, Summer, and Jacey-Lynn) form an alliance called the HoneyBunch. Let’s see how long it lasts.
Haleena makes a first impression by knocking things over. Melina makes it known that she hates most people (who doesn’t?).
Once all 16 enter, they discuss that there are only eight beds so they may need to share. They also do the whole introduction. Some fun moments, Haleena forgets her whole speech. Jessica and Jay both use they pronouns, but Jessica uses she as well.
The phone goes off after Arisa tempts then with presents in their room. Jay answers the phone.
Since Jay answers first, he wins safety for week and can’t compete in this week’s Head of Household.
BBCAN10 Week 1 HOH
What houseguest takes the first Head of Household crown and wiins safety for the week, as well as make some enemies with nominations.
The first HOH competition was called “Door of Destiny,” each of the competing houseguests (everyone but Jay) had to compete in randomly selected competition. The first set of houseguests had to finish a puzzle to go to the prize round.
Hermon wins the puzzle round and in the running for the HOH.
The second competition was trivia about the house. After a player gets a question right, they can eliminate another houseguest. If they get the question wrong, they’re eliminated.
Moose wins this round and goes to face off against Hermon in the final round.
The third competition involves trying to land a bean bag on a spinning platform. The person to land all three gets to go to the third round. It comes down to Kyle, Jess, and Josh.
Josh lands it and goes to the final round to compete against Moose and Herman.
For the final round, each houseguest picks a door. Josh picks the first door and wins safety. Moose wins safety as well.
Herman is the first BBCAN10 Head of Household!
Arisa ends the Big Brother Canada 10 episode by teasing that someone will be evicted on tomorrow’s episode. For now, we know it won’t be Josh, Jay, Moose, or Herman.
Make sure to join us tomorrow for the second night of Big Brother Canada 10 premiere week.
