Previously, on Big Brother Canada, things got lit when 16 primetime contestants from across the country stepped into the bbcan10 spotlight. Ready to play and willing to slay an ice breaker from a DC, a party animal, and a brand new car salesman. When Big Brother made the call, Jay picked up safety for the week, and then it was time to boogie! At the first HoH competition of the season, the remaining HGs went three rounds to play for the ultimate door prize. Josh and Moose found safety, while Hermon got lucky with door number three and became the first HoH of the season. Arisa welcomes us and she tells us last night 16 Canadians moved into the BB house and they had their first HoH competition and in the end, Hermon, Moose, and Josh earned their safety and Hermon won HoH! And Jay also has safety. We pick up on Day 1 immediately after the first HoH of the season and Hermon says it is a dream to be HoH, but he did not want to be the first HoH. He says it is too early to make a move, but this is the worst-case scenario and he is stressed out. Moose is celebrating being safe for the week and he is going to go around planting seeds because he does not have to worry about being evicted. They head inside and the table in the livingroom is a table with all their names on it. Who wants to see Hermon's HoH room? All the HGs head upstairs and check out the red and gold room. Jacey-Lynne loves the room. Moose is saying Jess is a lot and they are a lot to handle. Hermon, Josh, and Moose are talking about who Hermon might nominate. Hermon says the power is not so bad and he likes having control where the game goes. Moose suggests targeting people who really are not talking to other people. Moose suggest four people he does not think are talking to anyone and he says Elena, Kevin, Jess, and Melina. Melina goes to talk to Hermon because they do not have a connection yet. Hermon asks who Melina would not mind going on the block. Melina asks why Hermon needs help choosing two people and he says he is open right now. He says Melina's sales pitch needs some work. Kevin comes in and Hermon says he is out of here. We see all the HGs talking to Hermon and he says they are making sales pitches. Hermon says he definitely knows a good sales pitch when he sees one. Jessica is in to talk to Hermon and they think it is interesting that Hermon wants to know who they think he should put up. Hermon does not like the product Jess is selling. Hermon says those conversations are painful. He says having power in the house has it's perks, but it also has it's drawbacks. He says you have to show your cards early as first HoH and if he makes the wrong move, it could bite him in the butt. Hermon says he sees this as a privilege and sets the tone of the game and there will be feathers ruffled and he loves to ruffle feathers. He is ready to make his nominations. Hermon's first nominee is...Melina. His second nominee is...Jessica. Hermon has chosen to nominate Melina because their conversations have not been that deep. Hermon says he nominated Jess because he could tell they are a gamer and a possible threat to his future game. Melina says there is no way the universe put her here to go home. Jess says if they survive the vote, Hermon will have an enemy in the house because they want to win. Melina is talking to herself and she wonders if they can tell when she fakes laugh and she says she wonders if people are really here to make friends. She does not think she will make friends. Kevin comes in and they talk about how they feel outside of the big groups. Kevin says he is really not a vanilla person but he is playing up being spacey because he has to. Jess says Hermon put a highlighter on their name and they need to talk to Hermon and figure out why he perceives them that way. Jess is asking him to clarify, or that she felt targeted and direct, and she would like clarification. Hermon says when they talked he felt like he got gamey answers from them. He would ask a direct question and Jess gave an indirect response, like it was calculated. Jess says that was straight-up honesty. They say Hermon does not seem to be reaching to take their olive branch and they feel like if they do not win veto, then they are definitely the one that is going home. Hermon says this is one of the top three uncomfortable conversations he has been in and Jess is the last person he wants to win PoV. It is time for the first PoV and it is a throwback from Season 1. It is time to play Power Poppers 2.0. They have to use spikes on their belts to pop balloons scattered around the yard and they want to collect only the green balls and ten of them. After filling their tube with 10 green balls, the HGs will move on to a 3D puzzle in the shape of a V. The first HGs to successfully complete the puzzle will win the first PoV! Gino, Jay, and Haleena were chosen to play Veto. The HGs have to bump and grind the balloons to pop them and determine the color of the ball inside. Jacey-Lyn is distracted by the movement of Gino's hips. Melina leads with Jessica second with the balls. Melina and Jess move on to the puzzle. They are joined by Gino and Jay. The puzzle is a 3-D letter V. Jess has won the first PoV! Hermon says this is the exact opposite of what he wanted to happen. He is so annoyed by this. Moose says on a scale of 1-10, Stephanie's geography knowledge is about a 3. He is asking her simple questions and she is struggling. But she does know that the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are on the sides of Canada. Moose says Jess wins the PoV and he is at a loss now. He is talking to Hermon and he thinks Melina would be the best option to leave. Moose says whoever goes up is literally a pawn. Moose suggests maybe Kevin as the pawn. Hermon says the person he puts up as a replacement nom needs to be someone who will take it in stride and not upset the house too much. It is time for the PoV ceremony! Jess has decided to use the PoV on themselves. Hermon must now name a replacement nominee. He says this decision was not easy but it is strictly game and not personal. His replacement nominee is...Kevin. Melina welcomes Kevin to the block. Melina says this is her literal hell and now she is next to Kevin and she feels pretty stuck. Hermon says Kevin is his best shot to salvage his HoH week and is not a threat to his game. Kevin says most people would be freaked out, but he is not going to show that. Melina is talking to Kevin about being on the block the first week. Melina says she would not use anything Kevin said against him and she is 100% sure that Moose and Hermon are a thing and Kyle will probably be in and probably Gino. Melina says Jaycee-Lynne and Stephanie are an easy in and they are a whole crew. Kevin says Melina thinks she can trust him, but she cannot. He says information is currency in this game and he just hit the jackpot.
We see Kevin talking to Hermon and then Jaycee-Lynne about the things Melina told him. He says he will scratch and claw and do whatever he needs to save himself. He says he would campaign against his own mother. Tynesha is talking to Melina. She thinks Melina is 100% real but Kevin is playing dumb and probably mad smart. Melina says she has been chatting with him and they are on the block and Tynesha is struggling with this decision. This vote is going to be interesting. It is time for the first eviction vote of Season 10! Melina does not think she should be up on the block but she hopes they play a good game and not an easy one. Kevin says he is completely out of his comfort zone. He is not even on his comfort planet but he hopes he has shown he is open and willing to learn and he hopes he has shown he can help some of them. It is time to vote! Moose votes to evict Melina. Josh votes to evict Melina Jess votes to evict Kevin. Jaycee-Lynne sadly votes to evict her girl, Melina. Haleena votes to evict Melina. Jay votes to evict Kevin. The current vote is 4-2. Voting continues! Gino votes to evict Melina. Marty sadly votes to evict Melina. Tynesha sadly votes to evict Melina. Betty votes to evict Melina. Stephanie votes to evict Melina. Summer votes to evict Melina. Kyle votes to evict Melina. By a vote of 11-2, Melina has been evicted. Melina gives hugs and heads upstairs and she says they better wish she does not come back. She joins Arisa on stage. Arisa asks if she was surprised at how hard it was to make connections and Melina says no. She should have done better but it was very hard. She says she did her best. It is time for a HGs to open a mystery door! Throughout the season, whoever survives the block will be able to open a mystery door. There are three doors to choose from this week. Door number 14, 3, or 19. One door has $500, one has $2500, and one has $5000. Kevin will get to choose a mystery door and Arisa encourages him to talk it out. Kevin is looking at the doors and at Door #19, he says he is here and opens the door and he has won $500. Arisa says that's still better than eviction. Arisa tells them all good night and she will see them soon! To the Super Fans, she says the Live Feeds will start tonight!