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Big Brother Canada 11 has its first eviction yesterday. It feels like it’s been fourteen weeks instead of just two weeks. A lot has happened since the Big Brother Canada houseguests moved into the house — including the typical all-men’s alliance forming and showmances heating up. There was also a surprise backdoor. However, Santina was heavily influenced into making a big move that resulted in John Michael being on the Block.

This may end up being a move that she soon regrets, but the train is moving quickly towards a JM eviction unless he can flip things. On yesterday Big Brother Canada episode, we likely will see the start of next week’s Head of Household Competition.

We likely won’t find out who won it until the Friday morning or early afternoon Digital Dailies drop. But, we will watch someone go home before the HOH starts.

Let’s dive into tonight’s exciting first BBCAN11 eviction of the season.

BBCAN11 Week 1 Power Of Veto Ceremony Fall Out

John Michael isn’t happy about this blindside nomination. Will he call out Santina?

Santina tells Zach and Ty that she thinks this was the best move. JM talks to Santina and tells her that they made a deal and he would have never went against her. He asks if someone got in her head. JM breaks down while talking to Claudia, Renee, and Shanaya about this situation.

Week 1 Vote Shifting And Solidifying

Who will vote where and why this week?

Dan starts his campaigning to Daniel but gives him nothing to work with. JM works on Vanessa. He believes he can get the women and maybe Hope. Hope talks to Daniel about possibly keeping JM, but Daniel doesn’t trust Vanessa to vote with them.

Kuzie doesn’t want to see JM go because she thinks it will be better for her game. JM and Kuzie discuss trying to put the target on Dan. Santina says she is working with the boys but wants to keep a good relationship with the women to possibly work with them down the line. Claudia, Shanaya, Santina, and Renee discuss keeping JM to have him go after the men. Hope and Rob see the women talking and Hope suspects they are working together.

Hope discusses with Daniel that the women are working together. Later, Ty asks her about the possibility about the girls working together. She denies it, but he doesn’t believe her.

Ty then tells Zach that Claudia is close with Renee and Shanaya and that may become a problem.

Jm tells Kuzie, Renee, and Claudia to not let the men run the game. They discuss not letting them become the Pretty Boys 2.0. They mention becoming the Savage Sisters.

BBCAN11 Week 1 Vote

Who will be the first evicted between Renee, John Michael, and Dan?

Arisa talks to the houseguests before eviction. Then the pleas begin. Renee says she used her nomination as a way to get to know the houseguests. Dan gives I love this experience speech. JM talks about being considered a threat but that isn’t true and they should think about if he’s really a threat to him.

Anika voted to evict John Michael.

Claudia voted to evict John Michael.

Daniel voted to evict John Michael.

Hope voted to evict John Michael.

Jonathan voted to evict John Michael.

Kuzie voted to evict John Michael.

Rob voted to evict John Michael.

Shanaya voted to evict John Michael.

Ty voted to evict John Michael.

Vanessa voted to evict John Michael.

Zach voted to evict John Michael.

By 11-0, John Michael is evicted.

JM tells Arisa Cox that he was hurt most by Santina. He tells her that people kept bringing up the house, so Arisa asked who was the house. He names Ty, Rob, Zach, and Santina. She tells him that he was right about there being an all-male alliance.

BBCAN11 Week 2 HOH Starts

We have to wait until Tuesday’s episode to see how it ends but let’s see how it starts.

The houseguests have to collect balls in their assigned color and then run to the top to shoot their balls as they slide and try to score points. There Rd different points throughout the slide. The player with the most points after an hour becomes HOH. The dead last twist is also over.

Other Stuff

Ty and Claudia share their first kiss in the snow.

Santina finds a clue in a book. She then searches for more but gets stopped by Anika.

Join us Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for Big Brother Canada 11 episodes.