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Week 2 HOH Results!


Week 2 HOH Results!

The Big Brother Canada 10 live feeds have begun, which means saying good night to a proper bedtime schedule. With the BBCAN10 live feeds comes the first major spoiler of the season. During last night’s episode, we saw Hermon‘s shakey HOH reign, which resulted in the eviction of Melina. Now that the stress of the first week is over for the houseguests, the game can officially begin. It won’t be long before alliances completely solidify or break up, showmances start to creep around the corner, and underdogs and villains start to show themselves.

We can’t wait to tackle this Big Brother Canada madness. According to some feed details, this week’s Head of Household (HOH) competition involved a beach theme. It also appears to involve some type of endurance and balancing. We now know who won it. Read below to find out.

BBCAN10 Week 10 HOH

Marty is the new HOH.

We didn’t see much of Marty during the first two episodes of BBCAN10, so we don’t know yet where he stands in the house. He voted with the house majority to vote out Melina, so he’s likely riding the middle at the moment. He could easily play it safe this week or decide to cause some waves. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see who Marty nominates for eviction.

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