Who Won Canada’s Safety Vote!

The Big Brother Digital Dailies let us in on who will definitely be safe this week due to Canada’s vote. This has become a staple for Big Brother Canada. There are always now a couple of votes where Canada can make someone safe for the week. It’s also a good indicator of who Canada enjoys this week.
It’s very rarely actually given to players in danger. This first Big Brother Canada 11 Canada vote seems to keep this tradition. This week’s vote ensures that the player cannot go up as the initial or backdoor nominee this week.
Let’s see who won the first Big Brother Canada 11 safety vote.
BBCAN11 Week 1 Safety Vote
Canada gave Claudia safety for the week.
This isn’t a surprise because Claudia was very much a main character in the first two episodes, especially as someone who has picked up on the all-male alliance. Canada likes feisty players, so she likely stood out to the viewers.
Most likely, Claudia was safe without this vote, but it will probably boost her confidence in the game. We know that she won this vote because of a conversation between Renee and Rob where they mentioned that she was exempt from nomination.