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Recaps Digital Dailies Saturday (04/22/23)


Recaps Digital Dailies Saturday (04/22/23)

Today's Drop.. Sounds like Renee really wants Ty out over Kuzie and says that Claudayas points can apply to Kuzie if she’s still here next week so I feel like Renee deep down wants Kuzie there but doesn’t know how else to save her if Ty wins veto

TY Going up is 100% but they are talking about putting Anika up along side, if TY pull's himself off they back door kuzie

Girlypops talking about putting Anika up along side TY, if TY pull's himself off they back door Kuzie

Kuzie knows she's in trouble so searching for hidden power, Girlypops discuss how Jury votes might go

Shanaya Say's Kuzie was begging to stay until Final 5 because I'm a poor girl I need the money while we are here

Renee practices her speech putting up TY.

Cladia tell's TY about Kuzie begging, Claudia tell's TY she will sleep in the same room if he REMAINS in the house after winning POV.

Daniel think's he's the target.

TY Talks about Renee possibly making it to Final 4, Daniel say's he will never give her my vote at Jury.

TY Knows his hitting the block and has no interest in campaigning to Renee

Anika tells Daniel do everything you can not to go on the block

Claudia say's I'm starting to think Dan and Anika will go for Kuzie, Renee say's the target is TY and she's confident they will get TY Out

Kuzie in Library going thru books

Anika/ Claudia/ Shanaya on LR couches counting Jury votes. Talking about who Santina would vote for. Claudia leaves.

Ty/ Claudia in Flamingo BR. Talking about Kuzie. Ty: "This is my last days here. ... I shall come thru in the clutch." Talking about Ball Comp that Ty won. Talking about Hope losing that comp. Ty misses Hope's energy in the House

Dan C/ Shanaya/ Kuzie in LR. Anika joins. Talking about adventures. Shanaya talking about her underwater diving experiences. Claudia joins. Courtyard is closed

Claudia/ Shanaya in BA getting ready for their day. Shanaya: "It's so quiet!" Claudia: "I know. It's so odd

Anika in LR. Dan C wonders if he should dress up for noms. Anika called to DR.

Back to Claudia/ Shanaya in BA. Claudia, looking for body wash for Shanaya, thinks Renee may have taken it

Back to LR with Dan C/ Kuzie. Ty passes thru a few times, then goes upstairs. "NOMINATION CEREMONY TODAY" on monitor. Silence. Ty downstairs.

Back to BA with Claudia working on her hair. Shanaya out of the WC, dressed after her shower. Talk about Dan C + Ty laughing earlier. Claudia says we could have all the Girlypops in the Pink (Flamingo) Room. Shanaya tries to wax her nose hairs

Kuzie/ Dan C in Toucan BR. Dan C says it will hurt a little bit (eviction) but then he will enjoy the Jury. But he will be petty. Dan C talks about when he is put on the block (by Renee). Dan C picking out outfits. Kuzie leaves.

Dan C out of Toucan BR and into BA with his laundry. Claudia still working on her makeup. Shanaya still waxing her nose hairs.

Dan C back to Toucan BR, humming while he folds some clothes. Brushes his beard. Ponders if he should offer to go on the block - then he can play in the POV. Goes out to the hallway and continues talking to himself about what he should do.

Dan C into Library and greets Ty. Dan C: "I've come for advice." Asks Ty if he should offer to go up.

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Recaps Digital Dailies Saturday (04/22/23)

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