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Recaps Digital Dailies Friday (04/28/23)


Recaps Digital Dailies Friday (04/28/23)

Today's Drop.. Today's Drop, Absolute carnage from Kuzie's and Daniel's fight but good to watch they made up afterwards - IF TY's luck holds out he will be winning $100k, Kuzie said (On the Morning Show) she will be giving her jury vote to him

Today's Drop will be useless, won't get any jucy stuff until Saturday, its all pre eviction.

The fall out from Kuzie calling Daniel spineless continues

Kuzie tells Daniel she don't want to hurt his feelings but she expect more from him

The Drop ends with Kuzie and Daniel patch thing's up, she tell's him to get into savage mode and win comps

Kuzie gives advice to Anika

Daniel calls Kuzie the Spineless one, he tells her YOU feel like you run the show

The fight between Kuzie and Daniel got really messy

Kuzie tell's Daniel YOU failed me as a friend

Ty + Kuzie in Bathroom. Kuzie applying makeup. Kuzie called to DR. Kuzie hurries to finish applying her makeup. Ty paces. Kuzie finishes her makeup

Kuzie out of BA. Shanaya/ Claudia in hallway applying their makeup. Claudia leaves

Audio of Claudia/ Ty. Video finally switches to them in Flamingo BR. Claudia lies on Ty. They go over possible noms depending on who is HOH. More cuddling. Claudia says she would rather win POV than HOH at this point in game

Claudia/ Renee on floor and Shanaya on chair in upstairs hallway. The three pick up their makeup and take it to their bedroom

Dan C/ Shanaya/ Kuzie/ Anika/ Renee in BA. Dan C called to DR. HGs continue getting ready for the show. Dan C returns. Anika leaves. Claudia leaves. Kuzie + Shanaya leave

Kuzie/ Claudia in Toucan BR. Kuzie packing. BB asks Kuzie to put on her mic. Kuzie leaves

Anika/ Claudia in Toucan BR. Claudia says she feels like everyone is packed. The BA counter is clean. Claudia: "It's like our first double..." They talk about what happens during a double eviction. Claudia leaves. BB: "There

Dan C/ Kuzie/ Claudia in BA. Ty enters. Claudia leaves. Renee enters, gets some TP, and leaves. BB: "Nominees - please move your luggage to the Pantry." Ty tells Kuzie he will move her luggage. Kuzie leaves. Ty leaves

Read more:

Interview Shanaya!

interview Kuzie Mujakachi !

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