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The houseguests are informed that Vanessa has left the house


The houseguests are informed that Vanessa has left the house.

She is out the game. Kuzie must now name a replacement. She asks Hope to be her replacement. She also informs him that Zach goes up if Santina comes down. She wants to break up the Zach, Santina, and Ty trio.

Kuzie tells Anika and Daniel. Daniel then runs to Zach, who he admits he’s work with. Zach doesn’t think nominating Hope is good for their game. He thinks Renee needs to go up.

Kuzie nominates Hope for eviction.

BBCAN11 Week 3 Power of Veto Competition

Kuzie wants to take out Santina, but this house loves a backdoor. If Santina or another nominee wins the Veto, then nominations have the potential to change. A bigger fish may need frying.

Santina draws Anika’s name to play in the Veto. Hope draws Zach. Kuzie picks Ty.

Zach wants to let Santina go this week, but Ty says he hasn’t done anything to prove that they can’t trust Santina. Ty tells him to call out Santina. He says he will go it after Veto.

They start to get a bit upset with each other. Kuzie lets Daniel know that Santina is the target but Zach will go up if nominations change. She even says she’ll threatens to put up Zach if Ty tries to use Veto to save Santina.

The players had to get 20 carbon balls into a Brita basket. Zach throws the competition because he believes he’s safe for the week.

They then have to fill up water to fill a jug.

Hope wins the Veto and $5,000.

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Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 10 is now uploaded on our website!

Why did Vanessa MacTavish leave Big Brother Canada season 11? Once again, there is a lot of confusion out there.

Week 3 Power of Veto Ceremony

The houseguests are informed that Vanessa has left the house.

Recap. Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 10!

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