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Digital Dailies HighlightsThursday (04/27/23)


Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Digital Dailies HighlightsThursday (04/27/23)

The dreaded Big Brother Canada 11 double eviction is upon us. In only a few hours two players will join the Big Brother Canada 11 jury. This double eviction will turn the final seven into the final five houseguests. We’re only about two weeks away from the finale, so it’s time for players to get serious if they want to win the game.

On Wednesday’s episode, we witnessed Kuzie joining Anika on the Block. This means that another Crown member will become part of the jury. For sure, one of them will be the first victim of the Big Brother Canada 11 double eviction. Based on what’s been happening on the Big Brother Digital Dailies, we know for sure who is going to the jury.

Kuzie has been trying her hardest to not be evicted this week, but Shanaya, Daniel, and Claudia have made up their minds that Kuzie needs to go. Ty is the only player on her side, which is why she has decided to share a bunch of game information with him, including about The Crown. This may be something that Ty keeps in the back of his pocket for the future.

However, it isn’t going to help Kuzie because she will be the first person evicted tonight in the double eviction. Like every double eviction, who goes really depends on the Head of Household winner, Veto, etc. However, we can make some predictions based on variables and statistics.

Most likely, Ty will be the next player to leave after Kuzie. Shanaya, Daniel, Claudia, and Anika all want him out next. That means it’s four versus one in the Head of Household Competition.

There is a good chance Ty will lose the HOH because the double eviction HOH is usually not that physical. His best chance to stay in the game is the Veto Competition. If Ty wins Veto, Renee has about a fifty percent chance of leaving and Daniel has the other 20ish percent.

For example, let’s say Claudia or Shanaya win HOH, they will likely nominate Ty and Anika (or Daniel). If Ty wins Veto, then Daniel most likely goes up and out. There is a very small chance that they would nominate Renee but it’s highly unlikely.

Shanaya and Claudia would feel too guilty and worry about how it looks to take her out. If Anika or Daniel wins HOH, they will also nominate Ty and Renee. If Ty wins Veto, then Claudia will probably go up and Renee will be evicted. If Ty wins HOH, then he will likely nominate Renee and Claudia. If Renee wins Veto, there is a high chance that Claudia is evicted.

The only chance that doesn’t happen is if Ty nominates Daniel as his replacement, then Shanaya and Renee will vote out Daniel, but I doubt Ty will allow the trio to have the power to control the votes and all make it to the Top 5.

Therefore, the most likely to leave in the double eviction goes in this order: Ty, Renee, Daniel, Claudia, Shanaya, and Anika. If Anika or Shanaya end up leaving in the double eviction, I would be completely shocked, but stranger things have happened in double evictions.

Are you excited about tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 double eviction? Let us know in the comment section.

Join us tonight for the Big Brother Canada 11 double eviction.

Read more:

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 22 Recap

BBCAN11 Week 8.5 Eviction Vote

BBCAN11 Week 8.5 Power of Veto Competition

BBCAN11 Week 8.5 HOH

Week 8 Eviction Vote

Digital Dailies HighlightsThursday (04/27/23) THE DOUBLE EVICTION IS HERE! Digital Dailies Highlights 4 Movies (04/27/23) Recaps Digital Dailies Thursday (04/27/23) Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 22 Recap Digital Dailies Movies are now uploaded 26.04.2023 Recaps Digital Dailies Wednesday (04/26/23) Digital Dailies Highlights 3 Movies Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 21 Recap Recaps Digital Dailies Tuesday (04/25/23) Week 8 Power of Veto Ceremony Results Week 8 Power of Veto Ceremony Results Digital Dailies Highlights Monday (04/24/23) Digital Dailies Highlights 4 Movies are now uploaded on our website! Recaps Digital Dailies Monday (04/24/23) Week 8 Nominations Week 8 Nominations Week 8 Power of Veto Results Digital Dailies Highlights 3 Movies are now uploaded on our website!

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