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Week 8 Power of Veto Results

Week 8 Power of Veto Results

We only have a few more Big Brother Canada 11 Power of Veto Competitions left in the season. Because there are only seven players left in the game, only one player will not play in the Power of Veto Competition this week. Being the lone player to sit out is nearly a death sentence with so few players left.

Currently, Ty is Renee’s target, but Ty has proven that he’s good at competitions when his back is against the wall. He could pull off another victory and send another Crown member to the jury. It is still up in the air about which Crown member will end up evicted.

Daniel and Ty formed a possible new alliance over the fact that they were the last men in the game. They also knew that working together was probably better for both of their safety in the game. Daniel even proposed the idea of using the Veto on Ty if he managed to remain off the Block.

This would force Renee to nominate Kuzie, then it would keep them safe. If you think Daniel was just saying this to Ty to give him a false sense of safety, you would be wrong. Daniel, while alone, spoke about maybe needing to work with Ty going forward

However, Renee killed any chances of this unexpected alliance by nominating them both. They would both be gunning hard for it to get off the Block. They knew everyone else in the game would keep the nominations the same.

Week 8 Power of Veto Results

Ty won the Power of Veto!

It sounds like the Power of Veto involved family members coming in the house and a puzzle. It also seems the houseguests had to run throughout the house looking for clues.

Are you happy with the winner? Let us know in the comment section.

Read more:

Week 8 Nominations

Week 8 Nominations

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