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Recap. Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 11!

Recap. Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 11!

Big Brother Canada 11 has started off very strangely. First, the producers announced that there would be no Live Feeds, next, two players left the house without an eviction, and now we’re on our third backdoor in three weeks. Additionally, we have a scandal. The Big Brother Canada 11 Wednesday episode ends with Ty and Zach discussing the possibility of exposing something involving Hope to have him disqualified from the game. They mention a letter but we don’t get further explanation.

We’ll have to wait until tonight to see if it results in Hope being eliminated from the game. If Hope is eliminated, there likely won’t be an eviction this week. Most likely, there won’t be an eviction this week either way, because two people left the game early. This puts them at least one week ahead of schedule.

If the eviction proceeds as scheduled, five people will be eliminated from the game. The fifth elimination usually starts the jury portion of the season. Starting the jury now feels a little too early, but who knows what the BBCAN producers will decide to do with this week nd eviction.

It may be business as usual. Let’s dive into the recap.

BBCAN11 Week 3 Power of Veto Ceremony Fall-Out

Will Ty and Zach’s plan to disqualify Hope from the game work? Also, how will Ty and Zach react knowing that Zach is likely going out the door and they have no control anymore?

Before the Veto Ceremony, Hope tells Ty and he says if he’s sure he wants to do this. Hope says he isn’t afraid of the heat from Ty.

Ty and Zach then discuss making a move in front of Dan. They tell him that he has a secret note from the outside from his girlfriend. Zach is then called to the DR.

He doesn’t want to say at first but he’s pushed to discuss it. Big Brother asks why he didn’t tell them earlier.

Ty then confronts Hope about him saying he was intimidating him. Then Zach talks to him as well. It gets heated between the three men. The Big Brother producers then call Hope to the DR and ask him to bring the letter.

Kuzie says that this move is below the belt because of exposing the letter. This leads to an confrontation. This then leads to Kuzie and Zach arguing. Then Anika jumps into the argument. Everyone else just watches it go down.

Then Zach threatens to walk from the game.

The houseguests are called to the living room. Arisa Cox comes on the house screen. She then recaps the situation. Production decides that Hope cannot vote in this week’s eviction or play in the HOH. To make up for the situation, everyone gets a letter from home to keep for a week.

Ty and Zach aren’t happy with the decision and now they must decide to walk or not. Zach wants to walk, but Ty doesn’t know about it.

Zach then campaigns to Shanaya and Claudia with Dan and Ty there. He pitches the idea of them all working together as a group.

Claudia lets Zach know that she probably doesn’t have her vote. He says that if he doesn’t have the votes, Ty and him will leave. He then tells Ty that Claudia says he doesn’t have her vote. Zach says they need to leave. He asks him if he’s good to do that. Ty says goodbye to Claudia. In his own conscious he can’t stay because of the Hope situation.

Zach decides to leave the game, but Ty decides to stay.

He goes back in to read his letter and Claudia comes to comfort him. Obviously this means there is no eviction vote.

Read more:

Following tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 episode, it was settled Zach Neilson made the decision to quit the game.

Recap. Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 11!

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 10 is now uploaded on our website!

Why did Vanessa MacTavish leave Big Brother Canada season 11? Once again, there is a lot of confusion out there.

Week 3 Power of Veto Ceremony

The houseguests are informed that Vanessa has left the house.

Recap. Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 10!

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