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Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 27 Recap!


Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 27 Recap!

We only have three more episodes left in Big Brother Canada 11. There is a lot we need to see before we get to the exciting Big Brother Canada 11 finale on Thursday. First, we need to see who actually makes the final three. Then we need to see a lot of final days things, such as part 1 and part two of the head of Household Competition. On tonight’s episode, we will see who won the final four Head of Household and who he or she planned to nominate. Nevertheless, this week’s nominations don’t mean anything.

It all comes down to the final Power of Veto Competition. Whoever wins it really is the most important piece of the final four puzzle and gets to dictate who makes it to the final three. Despite there being so few episodes left, I don’t believe we will see this week’s Power of Veto competition until tomorrow’s episode.

That episode will also end in another eviction. Thursday’s episode is two hours, but there is a lot to cram into it. For now, we’ll just see all the things that happen to get us to the finale. Let’s jump into one of our final Big Brother Canada 11 recaps.

BBCAN11 Week 9 Head of Household Results

For this week’s HOH competition, Ty, Claudia, and Daniel must answer trivia questions based on what day certain events happened in the house. It will be a set of seven questions. When Thursday’s episode ended, Ty was ahead by one point.

Question #1-Ty and Daniel earned a point.

Question #2-Ty and Claudia earned a point.

Question #3-Ty and Claudia earned a point.

Question #4- Ty and Daniel earned a point.

Question #5- Everyone earned a point.

Question #6- Everyone earned a point.

Question #7

They don’t get to the final question because Ty wins Head of Household!

BBCAN11 Week 9 HOH Fall-Out

How does everyone react to the new HOH?

Ty now wants to focus on ensuring that Claudia and him make it to the final two. Ty sees it as two vs two with the final four. He doesn’t care who is the third between Anika and Daniel. Before she left, Renee said she would fight to get the jury to vote for Claudia.

Claudia suggests that maybe Ty nominate her to ensure she can’t go up as a replacement. However, he reminds her that if he wins Veto, he can just decide to not use it. Then she wouldn’t go up.

BBCAN11 Week 9 Nominations

Who will this week’s Head of Household nominate?

Ty and Claudia get in an argument with Daniel in the room. It’s based on game relationships.

Ty nominates Daniel C and Claudia.

Other Stuff

Will the Big Brother Canada 11 awards appear on tonight’s episode?

Ty brings all of the final four to the Wendy’s date.

Rachel Reilly from Big Brother USA is the one to deliver Ty his Wendy’s meal.

She allows him to get everyone to meet her. Daniel is the only one who recognizes her.

Daniel argues that he isn’t a floater but a social player. He then explains to them what he considers a social game vs a strategic game.

Announcements play into the house to announce the BBCAN awards prom.

Award 1: Best Behind Bleachers Moment Goes to…Dan S and Anika.

Award 2: Favourite Schoolyard Fight Goes to…Kuzie and Zach.

Award 3: Winning Moment Goes to…Shanaya

Award 4: Favourite Cafeteria Special Goes to…Wafflegate

Award 5: Biggest Bawl-Fest Goes to…A Sloppy Start

Make sure to join us tomorrow for another Big Brother Canada 11 live eviction

Read more:

Why Ty McDonald Deserves To WinBBCAN11

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 27 is now uploaded on our website!

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 27 Recap!

Who Should Win Canada’s Favourite Houseguest?

The Digital Dailies Our Review Of Them!

Welcome, everyone to my season summary of BBCAN 11.

Season Summary BBCAN11!

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