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Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (1)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (1)

Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies have returned to a frustrating pattern. It seemed that we had moved past the stage of frivolous fun and honed into more game talks. However, that doesn’t seem to be the cast. The last few Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies had more frolly than strategy.

It’s very frustrating with this week being so fundamental. It could flip the power and set up a divided house and battle. It looks like the BBCAN11 production team is doing everything in its power to keep us in the dark until tonight’s eviction episode.

We still have no clue who is leaving tonight on Big Brother Canada 11, but here is what we do know.

Renee’s Girls Aren’t Voting For Roberto

In a move that surprises no one, Claudia and Shanaya have no plans to vote out Renee. Rob attempts to campaign to Shanaya but she isn’t really listening to him. She seems still too hurt about their relationship going nowhere.

However, it was already highly unlikely that she would vote in his favor because Renee is one of her best friends in the house. She also said she doesn’t think Rob and her can go back to the way they were because of the rejection. It seems like Shanaya feels like Rob used her and manipulated her.

Eventually, Renee comes in to talk with Claudia and Shanaya. She vents her frustration about Santina campaigning for Rob. The women then discuss Santina not really being for the women. They also question if Rob and Santina are really just friends if she cares so much about him to campaign for him. Shanaya also feels like Rob underestimated her game abilities with his campaign to her. She said she’s very aware of Zach’s game and they can take him out themselves.

Claudia also mentions Santina comparing her situation with Rob to Claudia and Ty. This makes the women even more convinced that Santina and Rob have romantic feelings for each other. This makes Shanaya feel a little vindicated in her beliefs about Santina and Rob, but it also makes her feel a little self-conscious.

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Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (1)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (2)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (3)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (4)

Digital Dailies Highlights 4 Movies are now uploaded on our website

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 7 Recap!

Make sure to join us for more Big Brother Canada 11 Digitial Dailies.

Make sure to join us Later today, for the second Big Brother Canada 11 eviction of the season.

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 6 is now uploaded on our website

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