Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (3)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (3)
An Unclear Vote
It’s hard to tell where the votes lie because there were a lot of conversations between players who aren’t really aligned. Anika and Zach had a long conversation where she reassured him that she was on his side. She will vote out Rob.
Zach was confident with her vote but was still worried about Daniel’s vote. Anika told Zach everything he wanted to hear and was definitely on his side about Santina. However, Anika has been doing a good job at making Zach feel comfortable with her, but she’s really working with Daniel and Kuzie.
She speaks her real intentions with them. The same goes for Daniel and Kuzie. We didn’t really see where their votes are going during this Digital Daily, but they hold the most power this week. Vanessa does as well.
Hope reassured Renee that he was voting to keep her. However, he said it was more of an emotional vote than a strategic one. If he wanted to play the game, he would keep Rob. This statement seemed telling because he may not be 100 percent for keeping Renee. If Rob can say the right things, he may send his buddy packing.
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Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (1)
Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (2)
Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (3)
Digital Dailies Highlights (03/22/23) (4)
Digital Dailies Highlights 4 Movies are now uploaded on our website
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