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Week 5 Power of Veto Competition Results


Week 5 Power of Veto Competition Results

One of the many unfortunate things about the lack of Big Brother Canada 11 Live Feeds is that we sometimes get no game information or a bunch thrown at us. Mondays are always one of those information dump days for Big Brother Canada 11 fans. Once the Big Brother Canada producers release the Digital Daily, there is so much information to gather, including the Power of Veto winner.

We expected “Whodunnit” Week to give us no real information about the game because it was a week full of secrets. However, it did the opposite. It felt like the fans got more information than normal most that week We knew the Head of Household right away, then the Veto winner, the nominations, and after the Power of Veto Ceremony,

This Big Brother Canada 11 week has just started so we have plenty of information to discover, but now we have a lot more information about the Power of Veto Competition and winner

BBCAN11 Week 4 Power of Veto Competition Results

Shanaya won the Power of Veto!

Apparently, Head of Household Ty had houseguest’s choice and selected Shanaya “as a test.” He wanted to see where her allegiance lay. He also told her this, and it rubbed her and Claudia the wrong way. Ty doesn’t want Shanaya to use the Veto, but she plans to use it to save Renee from the Block. Jonathan and Kuzie planned to try to convince Shanaya to not use the Veto to save Renee but it seems like she’s determined to save her friend.

Read more:

Digital Dailies Highlights 4 Movies are now uploaded on our website

Digital Dailies Highlights Monday (04/10/23) (3)

Digital Dailies Highlights Monday (04/10/23) (2)

Digital Dailies Highlights Monday (04/10/23) (1)

Recaps Digital Dailies Monday (04/10/23)

Week 5 HOH Nominations and POV

Week 5 HOH Nominations

Week 5 Power of Veto Competition Results

Canada’s safety vote

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