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Digital Dailies Highlights Monday (03/27/23) (3)


Digital Dailies Highlights Monday (03/27/23) (3)

Because Hope didn’t say this, Ty then suggested that he may need him to use the Veto on Santina this week. Hope jokes that just when he decides to stay, he says something like this. Hope seems to be playing recklessly, so I wouldn’t be shocked if he doesn’t use the Veto or does use it on Santina.

Earlier, Hope confessed to Renee that he was one of Roberto’s other votes to stay, but only did it as a sympathy vote. They’re still unsure about the fourth vote. They also discuss the fact that Ty and Zach already know he was the other Rob vote. Kuzie apparently knows as well because Ty and she discuss it at some point.

Renee says that she has no hard feelings about the vote, but that Hope can’t do that this week, whoever Kuzie wants to go, they must vote them out. Hope agrees. They also discuss not being worried about Santina in the game, which seems to imply they want to vote out who goes up after Hope uses the Veto — presumably on himself. Renee seems to suspect that Zach may be the replacement and wants to take this shot.

Zach is shocked when Ty tells him that Kuzie wants to nominate him. He can’t believe it and Ty blames it on the way Zach tried to influence Kuzie to not take out Dan this week. Hopefully, Kuzie sticks to her plan to nominate Zach, but I worry that now that Ty told Zach, he’ll go into overtime to keep himself safe.

If Hope uses the Veto to save Santina, the move may even annoy people enough to just vote out Hope instead of Zach or Dan. Even if Zach ends up on the Block, since Daniel is so attached to him, he may be one of his votes to stay, so the votes may be closer than they should be to keep Zach.

The Power of Veto Ceremony wasn’t shown on this Digital Daily, so likely we’ll see it on tomorrow’s Digital Dailies.

Should Kuzie backdoor Zach this Big Brother Canada 11 week?

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Digital Dailies Highlights Monday (03/27/23) (3)

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