Week 3 Power of Veto Competition Results!

Week 3 Power of Veto Competition Results!
For the last two Big Brother Canada 11 weeks, the Head of Household has backdoored houseguests. Each of these backdoors has been because of Zach. He lucked out with two of his close allies in power, but this week is a bit different. He wanted John Michael out because he knew JM may take a shot and he and his alliance. He also saw him as a potential threat to his win. He orchestrated a backdoor of his former ally Roberto because he knew that Rob could eventually steal control from him.
Zach is already playing a little too hard and too fast too soon. Fortunately for him, Ty hasn’t been rubbing people the wrong way. Many people still want to work with Ty, with or without Zach. This means that Zach may live to fight another week. However, one of Ty’s other allies may be in danger this week.
The last Big Brother Canada 11 Digitial Dailies showed that Head of Household Kuzie wanted to take out Santina. The only way that Santina may be saved is if she won the Power of Veto and Kuzie looked at another person to target. Zach wanted to influence Kuzie to maybe take a shot at Jonathan if he didn’t agree to work with him again, while Ty wanted to just finally eliminate Dan from the game. The men had opposing views this week, but everything really came down to the Canada safety vote and Power of Veto.
So who won this week’s Power of Veto?
BBCAN11 Week 3 Power of Veto Competition Results
Hope won the Power of Veto!
The Digital Dailies start with Kuzie and Hope talking, before the five-minute mark, we learn he won the Veto.
Are you happy with the Power of Veto Competition results?
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