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BBCAN11 Week 7 Episode 19 Recap


BBCAN11 Week 7 Episode 19 Recap

The Big Brother Canada 11 Fatal Feast was brutal. It took out Santina but also opened the door for a new Head of Household. The trio of Kuzie, Anika, and Daniel were briefly in power this week, but someone else not on their side may gain it. The Girlie Pops (Claudia, Renee, and Shanaya) could gain their first Head of Household of the season. This may put Kuzie, Anika, and Daniel in danger, but most likely Ty remains the major house target.

This means that if Ty gains power, many houseguests are going to be very nervous this week. If Hope gains it, then he will likely be one of the few houseguests to not go after Ty. He will also want to take out one of the Girlie Pops.

On tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 episode, we have a lot to watch before the upcoming eviction episode. We’ll see a new Head of Household crowned, the nominations for this week, and the Power of Veto Competition followed by the Power of Veto Ceremony. Let’s get into all the action.

Everything doesn’t know how to react to the events of the last several hours.

BBCAN11 Week 7 Head of Household Results

Now that the Fatal Feast has ended, Kuzie’s reign as Head of Household is over. Who will now gain the HoH power?

The houseguests have to drink shots and one of them has poison. The houseguest then have to all pretend that they drank something normal. If someone guesses the right houseguest, that houseguest is eliminated.

If no one guesses right, they get to eliminate someone.

Round 1- Hope is eliminated because Claudia guesses right that he had the poisoned drink.

Round 2-Anika is eliminated because several people guess her right as the poison drinker.

Round 3-Ty is eliminated because Claudia makes a strategy to continue to pick him until he is eliminated.

Round 4-Renee is eliminated because several people guess her right as the poison drinker.

Round 5-Shanaya drinks the poison but no one guesses her right, so she gets to eliminate. She eliminates Daniel.

It goes to a tie breaker question for Shanaya and Claudia. They must guess the number of balls landed in one of the HOH comps. Claudia guesses closer to the right answer. She is only off by two. The answer is 615 and she guesses 613.

The Girlie Pops celebrate Claudia’s win. She tells Anika and Kuzie that Ty will be one of her nominees but she isn’t sure about the other one.


Which two players will hit the Block this week?

Claudia considers nominating Hope because he could be good in a physical POV against Ty. Ty ties to pitch to Claudia why she shouldn’t nominate him this week. He basically just says it would be good to strike at the other side instead of him who has no one in the game.

At their Wendy’s date, Shanaya and Claudia discuss who to nominate this week. They worry about Hope’s relationship with Anika, Kuzie, and Daniel. They also consider the possibility of working with Ty to get the other side out.

Claudia nominates Hope and Ty for eviction.

Claudia wants a big move on her resume and think’s getting out her showmance is the biggest move. Hope wants to keep the nominations to same to get Ty out. He knows that as long as only one of them remain on the Block, then the Crown controls the votes.

BBCAN11 Week 7 Power of Veto Competition

Can one of the two nominees save themselves from the Block?

Hope picks Anika’s name to play in the Veto. Ty picks Shanaya’s name and Claudia picks Houseguest’s choice and selects Renee. Kuzie is annoyed that Claudia picked Renee over her. She mentions it to Claudia because she doesn’t think Renee will beat Ty in the Veto.

The houseguests have to navigate nine balls on their posts using ropes. Everyone struggles at first, but Ty gets his ball first followed by Hope. Then Anika does as well. Shanaya and Renee struggle to even get one ball in place.

Anika, Ty, and Hope get into a rhythm. It’s close between the three of them. Hope starts to panic a bit but it comes down to Ty vs him.

They both only need one ball each.

Ty wins the Power of Veto!

BBCAN11 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony

What will happen and who will be the final nominees this week?

The episode ends without showing the POV ceremony, so you have to wait to see on tomorrow’s episode who Claudia nominates as his replacement.

Other Thoughts

Claudia gets her Wendy’s from Topaz.

Join us tomorrow for the next Live eviction of the season

Read more:

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